Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The countdown has begun!

Wow, I can't believe I didn't save my last post. It was so beautiful about being strong and taking charge of your life...oh well on to the next!

Here I am with 2 days to go until my very last day and I am so excited!! This has been a long time coming for me. I’ve wanted to leave this job for years and finally the clouds have shifted and I am doing just that. Actually, what really happened is I changed my perspective. See, when you change how you look at things, those things change so I changed how I view my life. I changed how I view the world and I made a list of the things that I want to do and the things I don’t want to do. I made a conscious decision of what’s important to me and what’s not important to me, and this is the year that I am ridding myself of all of the things that don’t serve me….anymore. It’s sort of like finally cleaning out your closet of all those size 6 pants and dresses you’ve been holding on to because one day…uh we all know how that story goes.  Well I’ve faced the fact that I am where I am because of choices I’ve made in my life. I’m not saying they were bad choices, but they were choices that were made to please other people and not myself. Again, that was my choice and I’ve learned not to blame anyone. For some people that can be a hard pill to swallow but once you come to that realization; it actually frees you to take better care and responsibility of yourself. Yes, some things are out of our control but most things are in our control and those are the things I’m referring to. Anyway, back to those size 6 pants and dresses that I’ve had for years waiting for me to get back down to that size…. I’m passing them on to Goodwill. In fact I’m passing on a lot of my clothes to Goodwill.  Don’t get me wrong,  I’m not giving up on being a size 6 again( actually, I’m pretty happy where I am with myself right now and I think I look great) I’m just accepting where I am right now and letting go of those things that don’t benefit me. I’ve learned to love and accept myself so much to the point where I can look in the mirror naked and smile at myself instead of picking myself apart. I’ve learned that this physical body is important but is not who I am; more so, it’s a container to house my beautiful and wonderful spirit. Yes, I may have abused it with food but now that I understand its purpose I am dedicated to making better eating choices because I need this body to carry me on to my new adventures. I need this body to work at its best because I have a son and grandkids that I need to hug, nurture and encourage. I have sisters who need to hear my voice and see my smile; I have nieces and nephews who need my ears to hear their troubles and my wisdom to guide them. And I have parents who need the strength of my legs, and arms to assist them with some of their needs. This physical body is very important and how I care for it is also important because it’s not just about me. So as I continue my quest towards a happier and healthier lifestyle, I’m starting small so that I don’t fail. I am  limiting the amount of salt & vinegar chips I eat and making a better choice with a new chip called Veggie Straws. I can pronounce every ingredient and one serving is 38 straws. See, it’s all about the baby steps………2 days, yippeeeeee!!!!

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