Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thank you!

Thank you. Two words with a powerful meaning. Those words can change a negative attitude, heal relationships and bring closure to a situation if spoken with sincerity. My spirit keeps bringing me back to gratitude. I understand that when you desire a change or if you want to manifest something in your life having gratitude brings it to you faster so I'm going to spend the next 30 days in gratitude. It’s funny how the law of attraction works because I was attracting a lot of things to me about gratitude and then I received an email from this website that I’m subscribed to and the teacher is doing 30 days of gratitude so I decided to join him on his journey. His name is Peter Adams and each morning he also does what he calls “an hour of power” which is spending an hour each and every morning in prayer and meditation. I can speak from experience and say that this exercise really does change your life. The way you respond to things and people whether it’s “good” or “bad” your attitude will be completely different.

I remember when I was in my mid 20’s I used to spend that quiet time alone seeking and believing that there had to be more. I was single, my son was very young at the time my cousin and I were roommates and I had a part time job that started at noon. I would drop my son off to school and when I got home the apartment would be empty. Our apartment faced a lake so I would go outside and close my eyes and listen to the birds singing and just relax.

I would sit there sometimes just being grateful for the serenity and the stillness of the day. I have to admit that I really miss those quiet alone times and the simplicity of my life at that time. I think I was a bit ahead of my time because I was not able to find a group of people who supported my intuitiveness. I did have a friend whose husband was into spirituality but he involved beliefs about Christ that I did not agree with so I did not connect with him. Nonetheless, I’m grateful for my experiences and that I was brought to a place of seeking and desiring more. I’m grateful for where I am right now and that I have the desire to do more, see more and be more. I’m grateful for my family and that everyone is alive and healthy. I’m grateful for being able to document my feelings and share them with whomever is interested. Maybe you’re on the same path of seeking more because you believe there’s more. Well, there is and it all begins with YOU. Be grateful for person, every experience, every situation, everything, no matter what it is.
              Gratitude changes everything!!